Mortgage Life Insurance

Posted by Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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Owning a home is a dream for most of us, although it is an expensive one. The monthly payments usually take up a big slice of our monthly income, and the sudden loss in the event of you or your spouse's early death may leave your survivors unable to make payments. To make your family is protected from financial hardship, consider Pick-a-Term Mortgage Protection insurance.
Pick-a-Term Mortgage Protection has a descreasing death benefit to match your mortgage balance at the beginning of each year. And because the death benefit decreases along with your mortgage balance, the cost of Pick-a-Term is less expensive when compared to non decreasing term life insurance.
Life Insurance: Decreasing Or Not?
If you go to your local bank, along with the mortgage they will try and sell you what they call "mortgage insurance". This is not "mortgage insurance" but "life insurance" where they protect themselves by having you buy their policy. You need to be clear how this operates; you are paying for an expensive policy which they own and in which they are the beneficary. Further, the amount of the policy decreases though the premium remains the same. If they decreased the premium along the coverage, it may not be too bad, but they don't. The way it is now the policy decreases, you pay for it, they own it, control it and will benefit from it.
So if you want to control your own financial life, get your own life insurance policy. Then you can control the level of coverage that suits you.

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