How to Best Handle Health Insurance Plan Changes

Posted by Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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Many economists have suggested and recent economic data indicates that the economy is steadily moving in the right direction. A combination of several factors has no doubt had a negative impact on the economy over the last several years.
The recent state of the economy, combined with the increasing cost of healthcare, has made it difficult for all size employers to continue to offer the same level of employee benefits. In the case of health insurance, future plan modifications may be necessary over the next few years.
After much consideration, these modifications may take the form of increasing deductibles, out of pocket maximums, office visit copays, and prescription copays. Employees may also be required to increase their contribution amount. A vast majority of employees understand the current strain facing employers. Employees are particularly aware of the difficulties faced by medium and small business owners.
If you find that plan changes are inevitable, several aspects are very important to pay attention to when modifying your group health insurance coverage. Modify the parts of your plan that provide a savings while having the least impact on your employees. Make sure the changes are fair to both the employer and employee. Develop and execute a strategy that clearly communicates the plan changes as well as the reasons for the changes.
When the outlook for your business does improve, your organization's ability to capitalize will greatly be dependent on your ability to attract and retain productive employees during difficult economic times.

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