How to Save Money on Your Homeowners Insurance?

Posted by Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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In order to save money on your homeowners insurance you have to consider several price determining factors. One of the biggest factors is whom your insurance provider ends up becoming. You should consider shopping around in order to get as many price quotes as possible. Try to get at least three as a minimum. You can visit insurance companies directly; call them on the phone or search for quotes online. Aside from price other factors you may want to ask about include customer service, complaint records and responsiveness.

Deductible - As with your auto insurance, raising your deductible can help save money on your homeowners insurance. The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance company starts to pay a claim. Only consider a deductible amount that you can afford in the case of an emergency. Remember you're dealing with your primary residence so you want to be careful.

Multiple Insurance - In many instances most insurance companies want more of your business. With that in mind they sometimes offer generous discounts if you have multiple insurance policies with them. For instance your auto and homeowners insurance policies.

Housing Improvements ? By making some improvements to your house allowing it to become more weather, earthquake and other natural disaster resistant you can lower the amount you would have to pay on your house insurance bill.

Rebuilding Costs ? When deciding on how much insurance coverage you really need make sure to subtract the land that the house resides on. Your land doesn't require insurance protection and having it as part of the basis for your insurance needs will raise your total cost.

Discounts ? Ask your insurance company if the offer discounts for security devices, fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems and other burglar devices. They may even offer senior discounts if you're over the age of 55. Ask if you qualify for any other discounts they may offer.

Policy Limits - You want your policy to cover any major purchases or additions to your home. But you don't want to spend money for coverage you don't need. However be careful about eliminating floater insurance. This insurance covers your valuable possessions such as your jewelry, Rolex watches and fur coats. Your computer equipment may also need a floater policy. Failure to have them could result in not receiving adequate reimbursement if those items are ever damaged or stolen.

Location ? If you really want to save money on your homeowners insurance then you need to make sure your house is built to withstand the natural weather occurrences that take place in your local area. Earthquakes, floods and fires behave differently in different parts of the country.

Hopefully this information can help you focus in on some areas within your homeowner's policy that you can review with your insurance agent in the hopes of actually lowering your house insurance rates instead of raising them.

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